

StringScanner is a simple string tokenizer that provides for lexical scanning operations on a string. It’s a JavaScript port of the Ruby library with the same name.

Scanning a string means keeping track of and advancing a position (a zero-based index into the source string) and matching regular expressions against the portion of the source string after the position.

StringScanner is written in CoffeeScript and distributed via npm as a CommonJS module.

Clone, fork, or file bugs at GitHub.

Quick start

 $ npm install strscan
 $ node-repl
 > var StringScanner = require("strscan").StringScanner
 > var s = new StringScanner("This is a test")
 > s.scan(/\w+/)             # => "This"
 > s.scan(/\w+/)             # => null
 > s.scan(/\s+/)             # => " "
 > s.scan(/\s+/)             # => null
 > s.scan(/\w+/)             # => "is"
 > s.hasTerminated()         # => false
 > s.scan(/\s+/)             # => " "
 > s.scan(/(\w+)\s+(\w+)/)   # => "a test"
 > s.getMatch()              # => "a test"
 > s.getCapture(0)           # => "a"
 > s.getCapture(1)           # => "test"
 > s.hasTerminated()         # => true

Creating a scanner


Create a new StringScanner with a source string.

(exports ? this).StringScanner = class StringScanner
  constructor: (source) ->
    @source = source.toString()

Scanning for matches

The scan, scanUntil, scanChar, skip, and skipUntil methods look for matching strings and advance the scanner’s position. The scan methods return the matched string; the skip methods return the number of characters by which the scan position advanced.


Matches regexp at the current position. Returns the matched string and advances the scanner’s position, or returns null if there is no match.

  scan: (regexp) ->
    if (matches = regexp.exec @getRemainder()) and matches.index is 0
      @setState matches,
        head: @head + matches[0].length
        last: @head
      @setState []

Matches regexp at or after the current position. Returns the portion of the source string after the scanner’s position up to and including the end of the match and advances the scanner’s position, or returns null if there is no match.

  scanUntil: (regexp) ->
    if matches = regexp.exec @getRemainder()
      @setState matches,
        head: @head + matches.index + matches[0].length
        last: @head
      @source.slice @last, @head
      @setState []

Scans one character, returns it, and advances the scanner’s position.

  scanChar: ->
    @scan /./

Skips over the given regexp at the current position. Returns the length of the matched string and advances the scanner’s position, or returns null if there is no match.

  skip: (regexp) ->
    @match.length if @scan regexp

Skips over the given regexp at or after the current position. Returns the length of the string up to and including the end of the match and advances the scanner’s position, or returns null if there is no match.

  skipUntil: (regexp) ->
    @head - @last if @scanUntil regexp

Looking ahead

The check, checkUntil and peek methods look for matching strings without advancing the scanner’s position.


Checks to see if regexp can be matched at the current position and returns the matched string without advancing the scanner’s position, or returns null if there is no match.

  check: (regexp) ->
    if (matches = regexp.exec @getRemainder()) and matches.index is 0
      @setState matches
      @setState []

Checks to see if regexp can be matched at or after the current position. Returns the portion of the source string after the current position up to and including the end of the match without advancing the scanner’s position, or returns null if there is no match.

  checkUntil: (regexp) ->
    if matches = regexp.exec @getRemainder()
      @setState matches
      @source.slice @head, @head + matches.index + matches[0].length
      @setState []

Returns the next length characters after the current position. If called without a length, returns the next character. The scanner’s position is not advanced.

  peek: (length) ->
    @source.substr @head, length ? 1

Accessing scanner data

The getSource, getRemainder, getPosition and hasTerminated methods provide information about the scanner’s source string and position.


Returns the scanner’s source string.

  getSource: ->

Returns the portion of the source string from the scanner’s position onward.

  getRemainder: ->
    @source.slice @head

Returns the scanner’s position. In the reset position, this value is zero. In the terminated position, this value is the length of the source string.

  getPosition: ->

Checks to see if the scanner has reached the end of the string.

  hasTerminated: ->
    @head is @source.length

Accessing match data

The getPreMatch, getMatch, getPostMatch and getCapture methods provide information about the most recent match.


Returns the portion of the source string leading up to, but not including, the most recent match. (Returns null if there is no recent match.)

  getPreMatch: ->
    @source.slice 0, @head - @match.length if @match

Returns the most recently matched portion of the source string (or null if there is no recent match).

  getMatch: ->

Returns the portion of the source string immediately following the most recent match. (Returns null if there is no recent match.)

  getPostMatch: ->
    @source.slice @head if @match

Returns the indexth capture from the most recent match (or null if there is no recent match).

  getCapture: (index) ->

Modifying the scanner’s state

The reset, terminate, concat and unscan methods let you change the state of the scanner.


Resets the scanner back to its original position and clears its match data.

  reset: ->
    @setState [], head: 0, last: 0

Advances the scanner position to the end of the string and clears its match data.

  terminate: ->
    @setState [], head: @source.length, last: @head

Appends string to the scanner’s source string. The scanner’s position is not affected.

  concat: (string) ->
    @source += string

Sets the scanner’s position to its previous position and clears its match data. Only one previous position is stored. Throws an exception if there is no previous position.

  unscan: ->
    if @match
      @setState [], head: @last, last: 0
      throw "nothing to unscan"

Private methods


Sets the state of the scanner (for internal use only).

  setState: (matches, values) ->
    @head     = values?.head ? @head
    @last     = values?.last ? @last
    @captures = matches.slice 1
    @match    = matches[0]